Zero calories, Zero Glycemic Sweetener.
Sugar is what makes people gain weight, lets be real. There is added hidden sugar i everything. I eat sugar only from fruit, natural sugars. A friend was asking be about her diet and naming off foods she ate that she thought were healthy.. like, flavored yogurt, flavored oatmeal, low-fat coffee creamer, low fat cereal, diet bars, diet shakes… etc. She was shocked when I noted that all those foods were unhealthy! Wonder why? ADDED SUGAR. Lakanto is they only natural sugar I add to my oats, desserts, coffee & smoothies! Monks Fruit’s sweetness comes from natural mogrosides that are 300 times sweeter than sugar. They also make healthy chocolate bars, hot chocolate and syrup that are packed with probiotics as well.
- ZERO Calories
- ZERO Glycemic Index
- ZERO Impact on Blood Sugar or Insulin
- ZERO Bitter or Chemical Aftertaste
- ZERO GMOs, Additives or Artificial Flavors
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