Wow. How MIA have I been lately? To defend myself a bit, I have been super busy working and traveling to LA for modeling. I also have never been happier with life and wanted to share my biggest tips for you to live more positively and enjoy every aspect of what life has to bring you.
1. Get rid of all the toxic people in your life.
The best tip to live positively. When there are toxic people in your life always pushing negative energy around you, it’s hard to be positive and happy. Never have anyone in your life who doesn’t bring you up and support you. Distancing yourself from everyone who doesn’t make your life flow easier will instantly start a more positive vibe in life. Surround yourself with people who want the best for you, who love you and want you to succeed.
2. New Mind Set
Wake up positive. If something doesn’t go your way, don’t freak out. That’s life. Not everyday or moment will go the way you want it too but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen for a certain reason. Seeing the positive in any situation will create positivity throughout your whole life. The way you look at a situation effects the outcome.
3. Do things for yourself
Loving yourself is the number one thing I can tell a person who wants to live a more positive life. Taking time and doing things you love, for yourself, is a great way for good energy to come. Take time to relax, or do your favorite hobby.
4. Live In the moment
Don’t stress about things you can’t change. “when thinking about life, remember this; no amount of guilt can change the past, and no amount of anxiety can change the future.” Really taking in each moment of life that i’m living at that moment has taught be to really take nothing for granted and cherish every moment of life.
5. Set goals.
Having goals to work towards can make us more positive. When we feel insecure and unconfident, it’s a lot easier to see the bad parts of life. Remind yourself of all the things you have already accomplished and all the things you are working for!
What are your strategies for staying positive?